
Gain actionable insights from your people and machine data in real-time.

Discover the Benefits of Manufacturing Analytics

Collect critical information from people and machines in real time to yield actionable insights into your operation.
Real-time Kaizen

Identify bottlenecks and perform lightning fast root-cause analysis.

Actionable insights

Track and visualize the key performance indicators of your operation.

Accessible from Anywhere

Access your production data from all your devices in real-time.

Define metrics

Identify and track the key performance indicators you care about.

Integrate machine and people data for a holistic view of your shop-floor.

Perform robust analyses and monitor them over time.

Visualize your data through customizable charts.

Multiple Data Sources

Access all machine, sensor, device and human data in one place.

Various Chart Types

Select the chart types that best serve your objectives.

Image-Based Analytics

Display production imagery and build a vibrant defect catalog with your production data.

First Pass Yield

Calculate and monitor “Right First Time” in real-time.

OEE Reporting

Perform encompassing OEE reporting with data from all your machines.

Multi-Process Analytics

Overlap data from multiple processes to gain a richer picture of your operations.

Design Real-Time Dashboards

Make dashboards with relevant information for everyone on your team.

Replace whiteboards and aging scoreboards with real-time data.

Access your manufacturing data from wherever you are.

Increase your organization’s awareness of key production metrics.

Alerts and Notifications

Set up alerts and notifications based on live production data.


Display the most relevant information for each member of your team.

Image Slideshows

Include image slideshows to your dashboards.

Share with Key Stakeholders

Replace static presentations and reports with live production KPIs.

Engage operators with embedded quality and production data.

Create factory dashboards to inform your shop-floor team of current performance and enable faster decisions.

Share live data with clients and suppliers to increase supply chain visibility.

Secure Sharing

Share only the relevant data without compromising the security of your information.

Direct BI Access

Integrate with third-party Business Intelligance software.

Access from Anywhere

You can access your data from any device, wherever you are.

Accelerate your digital transformation

Get a detailed tour of how Tulip’s platform can fit your needs.